The Future of Implants is Right Now!

added on: January 15, 2021

Dental implantImplants have been referred to as a medical marvel since they arrived on the restorative dentistry scene. There is no doubt that implants have gotten more and more popular will remain an ideal solution for teeth replacement. Dental implant design techniques continue to evolve and offer outstanding solutions for those seeking a bright smile.

What’s Happening Right Now in Dental Implant Technology?

Part of what makes new implants better than options is the utilization of brand-new materials. Modern titanium elements substantially assist in promoting osseointegration, in which the jawbone will naturally fuse with the dental implant.

Zirconium dioxide abutments provide another improvement by taking away the dental implant’s ‘metal show’ in the gums. Implant connections and new zirconium-made abutments offer a perfectly matched appearance to the natural color of the tooth.

The Use of Computer Technology

If you are like the majority of patients, you already understand how much computer-assisted manufacturing has vastly improved the quality of replacement teeth. However, three-dimensional printing’s most groundbreaking applications seem to point to bone loss replacement for patients who need grafting. Existing treatment developments include a blend of bioactive material and polymers that are utilized to make grafts.

Advancements in Bone Grafting

The bone grafting technology of today creates a stronger base that allows dental implants to stabilize inside the jaw. It’s achieved merely by transferring the developed bone from one other part of the body to the insufficient part. This treatment is not for everyone. Your dentist or oral maxillofacial surgeon will analyze your unique situation to determine the best treatment option.

Our team of dental professionals love helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams. Get in touch with Phelps Family Dentistry at 910-762-3481 to learn more about our restorative and cosmetic dentistry services.